Varnish Software Training

Expert-led Certification Courses

Learn from the Experts

Varnish Software offers virtual and in-person training courses and certification for Varnish users — from general Varnish Administration to Varnish Enterprise features and functionality — all lead by expert Varnish trainers.

Hand Writing Notes

Find the Training that's Right for You

To make sure you get the most out of your session, we limit each course to 10 seats in order to deliver a more personalized experience.

Course outlines are listed below to help you find the session that is right for you!

Drinking coffee at laptop

Our Courses

Hands working on laptop holding coffee

Varnish for Admins

$1,500 / per seat
2 Days / 9am - 1pm

This two-day course gives in-depth, hands-on experience and insight into how to implement and set up Varnish for optimal performance, flexibility and scalability.

Best for: Beginners

two professionals on laptops

Varnish Enterprise

$1,500 / per seat
2 Days / 9am - 1pm

This course focuses on hands-on exercises to teach Varnish and its various tools. It's divided into two main components: the essentials and real use case training.

Best for: Intermediate

priviate training on laptop

Private Training

Inquire for Pricing
Custom Timeline

Private training is customized for the specific needs of your project and team. We will design a training program that helps you maximize what you can achieve with Varnish.

Varnish for Admins

Varnish for Admins

In this course, you'll learn:

  • How to successfully install and understand the Varnish architecture and concept.
  • How to configure Varnish to support SSL/TLS
  • How to use Varnish built-in management administration console via command line
  • How to use the Varnish Administration Console (VAC) as a single point of administration of multiple Varnish instances
  • How to use Varnish Configuration Language (VCL)
  • How to benefit from cache invalidation, load balancing and content replication with Varnish High Availability (VHA)
  • To understand lifetime of cached objects: TTL, grace, and keep
  • How to monitor Varnish, how to tune Varnish
  • To understand enhanced cache invalidation (also known as X-keys)
Hands working on laptop holding coffee

Varnish for Enterprise

Varnish for Enterprise

This training course focuses on hands-on exercises to teach Varnish and its various tools. It's divided into two main components:

The essentials, dedicated to general usage of Varnish, notably:

  • HTTP basics
  • Varnish internal structure
  • Logging and filtering information
  • Interacting with Varnish via Varnish admin
  • VCL structure and syntax
  • Debugging Varnish

A workshop targeting the audience's specific uses of Varnish. The length and content of this section varies greatly depending on how Varnish will be or is already used but can contain items such as:

  • Varnish and Docker
  • Integration between Varnish and configuration and or metric tools
  • Tailoring Varnish for a specific web site/service
two professionals on laptops

Private Training

Private Training

Private training is customized for the specific needs of your project and team. We will design a training program that helps you maximize what you can achieve with Varnish.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so we will work with you to scope out and design what you need.

priviate training on laptop

Register for Training

Want to learn more about Varnish Training or sign up for an upcoming session?

Fill out our form and let us know the session you're interested in and a member of our team will reach out to you directly to help you register and get ready for your training. 

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